Sunday 14 August 2011

Southwark & Bankside (London)

What a change to this part of London from the days when I walked around in the late 1960’s (having worked over the river in the city). Former warehouses now converted into expensive apartments and shops, with tourists flocking to see the sights – the Globe Theatre and of course Tate Modern.

Then there’s Southwark Cathedral, I’ve always thought that the Cathedral sits oddly in its setting overshadowed by railway viaducts and up close with Borough Market. An exciting new viaduct is currently being built soaring over the market as part of the Thames Link / London Bridge Station improvements - worth looking at, as is The Shard.

Southwark Cathedral , although the original building dates from the 1200’s and the central tower from 15C, much has been repaired with the Nave being rebuilt in 1890-96 by Sir Arthur Blomfield . Lots of interest to see within the church, monuments and stained glass, especially the Shakespeare window by C Webb of 1954.

I am currently planning a series of Photography Courses to take in the Cathedral  and Historic Bankside, see my photo blog for details