Thursday 4 April 2013

Preston Bus Station

There is currently a lot of talk about the future of Preston Bus Station as the city council have proposed its demolition on the grounds that it costs too much in upkeep.

The Architects Journal have an article in their news section on the subject with the suggestion that English Heritage are contacted supporting the appilcation to have the building listed as previous attempts have been unsuccessful.

I've only experienced the bus station on two occasions, the first in the late 1960's when it was new and gleaming and more rercently when it was showing its age. It made a lasting impression on me, it's loss would be a loss for Preston and also a great loss for Britains building heritage.

The demolition of Portsmouth Tricon Centre, a Brutalist concrete structure of 1966 by Owen Luder, was welcomed by most poeple, but Preston's Bus Station is a much better example of the period and it would be missed.