Wednesday 3 July 2013

Charing Cross to Parliament Square

A bright morning and a walk starting from The Eleanor Memorial Cross (1863) by E M Barry with sculpture by Thomas Earp, interesting sculpture on the memorial if one stops and looks at it in detail.

Down Whitehall passing the Old Admiralty Building with a front screen and ‘Seahorses’ (1761) by Robert Adam to Horse Guards (1750’s) and fighting off the tourists crossed over the road to take a longer view of the building, a good example of stylized Palladian architecture.

At least there is not a lot of traffic around on a Sunday morning which makes walking around and taking photos easier!

Behind 55 Whitehall is an extension of 1952 by the Ministry of Works which has a series of good allegorical sculptures along its facade by James Woodford (missed these last time I was in the area)


Wandered along taking in the sights to Parliament Square, then a change in direction to catch a new ‘Boris Bus’. I was keen to see what they were like but I’m not sure about them and don’t expect that they are going to last over 50 years or have the same respect as the original Routemasters.

M.C.Sleigh. 2013